My Freelancing Story — $15 to $100k in One Year

Muhammad Rashid
2 min readMay 17, 2022



Hi, I’m Muhammad Rashid. I’m writing the story about my professional career which I started by freelancing. I will share my story, mistakes, good moves, and much more, which will help newbies grow in their Freelancing Careers.

In 2020, my last semester of university was still going on when I created an account on Fiverr with niche Data Science. I got the First Job for $15 dollar to work on PowerBI Task. I was unfamiliar with this tool at that time, But I accepted it as a challenge. I learned this tool in 2 days and completed the job in the next 7 days. After this job, I started working day and night on Fiverr. In 4 Months I completed 100+ Jobs in Machine Learning and Data Science and received a Level Two Sellers Badge. I earned $14k as a starter. During this time, my account was got deleted by Fiverr due to some reason. This was the time when I fall from my peak to zero. All my portfolio of 100+ jobs on Fiverr got deleted.

But this was the turning point of my life as I jumped up again as a Full-stack developer on Upwork. .

So the question is why I left My Data Science Field. The reason is I was looking for big projects, But they were on Upwork. That is why I changed my mind to adapt myself according to the requirements of Business. During these days, I opened a Software House named LozpData. The reason for its opening was due to my client's requirements and workload.

We should keep working to achieve our goals without thinking about hurdles.

If you Want to Learn Python, You can watch my ultimate Python Course on My Youtube Channel.

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You can Also Follow Me on My Social Media Platforms:

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  2. Youtube
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  4. GitHub & Replit
  5. Upwork:

Thank You for reading!

